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About JMS Electrical

JMS Electrical Services PTY LTD is a family owned and operated electrical service and repair company with over 15 years of dedication to the residential and business community.

We expect each employee to hold themselves accountable to obtain each customer expectations. All our electricians have been thoroughly safe guarded via drug screening and background checks. We want you to feel safe knowing you chose JMS Electrical ServicesPTY LTD

We are committed to open communication, cost effectiveness, safety, reliability and honesty. We hold our company accountable for our performance.

A commitment to a life time relationship with each and every customer is the reason for our business existence.

On call within one hour
24/7 emergency electrician
Fully Trained & Certified
Family Owned Business

We use parts and components from trusted brands including

Available 24/7, Book online now

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    1300 366 661
